Works in Constellationism

Busy Day

Added on by Matthew Gantt.

Wow, I have had a beautifully busy day.​

​First off, I had create flyer for my upcoming show at Cha Champagne & Wine Bar (see previous post) and finish it in time to create a Facebook Event for it and post it around lunchtime (so that people might actually see it).  Luckily, it was all finished in time.


Then, I found out that it wasn't too late to submit artwork to the 7th Annual Art4Life auction to raise money for the AIDS Foundation Houston​.  So, I got busy filling-out submission forms, revamping a short Bio, Artwork description, and image.  I'll be putting "Seraph" up for auction, he needs a good home.  here's a photo, but it doesn't do him justice without the wonderful frame.

Two of my friends are co-chairs for the event, and when I asked one why they didn't ask me to donate, he said that since I am starting-out, I might not be able to afford to donate a piece​.  I completely understand where he was coming from, but I figure that I don't have money for a publicist, but what I do have is artwork, and if I can donate a piece to a very worthwhile cause and get my name/artwork out into the world, I've pretty much saved money.  LOL!

Regardless of all that, I'm overjoyed, not only to be able to participate in ​the event itself, but to have my work sitting alongside such distinguished fellow artists. And it's an excuse for my wife and I to get all dressed-up and step out for a night.  It's sure to be a lovely evening.

Tomorrow, I get to run over to Art & Frame Etc. to see the ten pieces I dropped-off a little over a week ago, I cannot wait to see how everything turned-out.  I took a suggestion of a friend and stopped doing the standard "gallery" framing and really got into designing the mattes and frames to add to the vibe of each piece​.  Hopefully, it will enhance each piece and really make them each something extra special.  We'll see at my next show.  Hopefully, the extra money was well-spent.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Don't forget to go out and support your local artists and business-owners for White Linen Nights in the Heights this Saturday!  Maybe I'll see you there!​