Well folks, it's official! Yours truly will be teaching a workshop this Spring at The Jung Center of Houston. I will be a teaching the basic techniques of Constellationism so that others may benefit from exploring the archetypes who occupy unconsciousness.
The course has been approved, but the exact dates and tuition costs have not been determined yet. So, stop by and check for updates because I will definitely post when I have more solid information.
What I'm really excited about is that if this "pilot" class goes well, I can arrange to have perhaps a longer, more in-depth class during the summer (with talks of a possible daytime [9:30-12:30] class for kids for a full-week in the Summer! But lets see how the class goes first.
As excited as I am for this opportunity, I am also a little nervous because I've only ever taught to middle schoolers before. Hopefully, working with adults will be just as rewarding.
Anyway, just thought I'd drop a note to let you know that this is a done deal and that I will return with details when they are made available to me.