Working my butt of to get ready for my week at the Esalen Institute, I'll be throwing ink for a series while I'm there as well as keeping an "Esalen Art Journal" of more quick, sketch-type renderings.
I'm looking forward to meeting many new people and making some friends while attending various lectures and events hosted by the Joseph Campbell Foundation. Despite all my hard work this week getting my gear ready for travel, I'm looking forward to working while I'm there.
With the Pacific Ocean right there, along with the hot springs and the beautiful grounds and the like-minded individuals, I cannot wait to see what leaps out of my subconscious and onto the page!
Since I did not receive a grant from the OPUS Archives this grant cycle, I still plan to go ahead with the series I was planning to do for the grant, which is a group of 12-20 renderings, each representing a step (or individual) along the the Hero's Journey. The series will also start in dark red and work its' way through the chakras as the story progresses.
It's a pretty ambitious endeavor, and I hope that the images, in sequence, will render an overall story arc for the series. Time to raise the stakes a bit and test both myself and my own story.
Anyway, I'm exhausted already and looking forward to this great opportunity to work at one of the coolest places in the country!
Only two more sleeps!