I was going through my portfolio, because I had some recent work that I needed to look at and give titles to, when I found an old piece I did back in 1999. Actually, it is dated July 19, 1999. I remember the piece and that I wasn't thrilled with the outcome, but looking at it now, I think it's just fine. I have a tendency to be quite critical of my own work.
Matrones Inexorabilis 22 x 18 inches 07/19/1999
So here's a quick photo I took this morning (please excuse my monkey toes at the bottom).
I always got a sense of a "triple goddess" from her and loved her steady gaze, so when I realized she was dated and signed, but had no name, I went to work naming her. "Matrones Inexorablilis" is Latin for "inexorable matrons". As far as what "inexorable" means...open a dictionary! Just kidding, it was just the right word.
Anybody who knows me knows I take great care and effort in naming my pieces, because it offers a whole new dimension to the overall tone of a piece. Even if people don't get the connection I'm making, they are usually pleasantly surprised my the reference and/or meaning behind the title.
This work is also in line for photos along with all the new work from this Spring, so I hope to have new images posted in the 2012 Renderings section soon. Please be patient with me.
Thanks for reading! Have a great day!