Works in Constellationism
Micah Simmons and I

Micah Simmons and I

some of my work

some of my work

some of Micah's work

some of Micah's work

British artist Jon Wragg and I

British artist Jon Wragg and I

Annette McBride and I

Annette McBride and I

more of my work

more of my work

the crowd

the crowd

Michelle bought "The Bishop"

Michelle bought "The Bishop"

Farhan and Ari

Farhan and Ari

Troy and Renee bought "Human Entropy"

Troy and Renee bought "Human Entropy"

Collector bought "The Marzipan Samurai"

Collector bought "The Marzipan Samurai"

My mother and I

My mother and I

Micah Simmons and I

some of my work

some of Micah's work

British artist Jon Wragg and I

Annette McBride and I

more of my work

the crowd

Michelle bought "The Bishop"

Farhan and Ari

Troy and Renee bought "Human Entropy"

Collector bought "The Marzipan Samurai"

My mother and I

Micah Simmons and I
some of my work
some of Micah's work
British artist Jon Wragg and I
Annette McBride and I
more of my work
the crowd
Michelle bought "The Bishop"
Farhan and Ari
Troy and Renee bought "Human Entropy"
Collector bought "The Marzipan Samurai"
My mother and I